What is Laser Lipo?
Laser Lipo is a procedure that allows for the removal of fat cells in localized areas by way of laser-generated heat. Laser-assisted liposuction is growing in popularity due to the many uses of lasers have in the medical world and their potential to be highly effective tools.
Laser Lipo is one option for patients seeking a wider range of medical options for the removal of body fat. Heat from the laser causes the fat to soften, resulting in smoother and flatter surfaces. The body’s immune system gradually removes the liquefied fat from the treated area.
Laser Lipo is highly functional and can be used to treat various areas of the body. While the laser helps to soften the unwanted fatty areas, the heat of the laser helps to tone the skin around the removal area, which can tighten the skin to give a satisfactory finish. Laser Lipo is generally used in conjunction with regular liposuction and is not meant to replace liposuction as a procedure; it is generally meant to work in harmony with other adiposity elimination (fat removal) techniques.

Which areas is Laser Lipo useful for?
Areas in which Laser Lipo can offer successful fat removal are:
Face (including chin and cheek areas)
Neck (such as with double chins)
Back side of arms
Both the inner and outer areas of thighs

What are advantages of Laser Lipo over other procedures?

Laser Lipo is minimally invasive, requires no general anesthesia, allows for patients to get back to everyday activities relatively quickly, and is generally used as a tool to ensure patient satisfaction in conjunction with general liposuction. Laser Technology can help to remove fat in hard to reach areas that traditional liposuction may miss.
Laser Lipo is a great way to rid the body of unwanted fatty areas that are stubborn and which resist exercise and diet efforts. Laser Lipo is safe and effective at eradicating fat cells in localized areas with ease.